In a very advanced state is the works of filling of bags and seeds for the planting of 200 thousand trees that the companies Lufussa and Lacthosa -founded by the brothers Schucry, Luis and Eduardo Kafie,- carry out in the nursery built by Lufussa on the campus of the Institute of Forest Conservation (ICF) located in the municipality of Guaimaca, in the Department of Francisco Morazán Honduras.
In this second stage, the objective of both companies is to give the Government 100 thousand trees each, 200 thousand in total this year, which joins the reforestation campaigns promoted by the ICF at national level during this year, always within the framework of the initiative “we will plant” that Lufussa leads from the previous year. The final objective of the convention is to deliver one million trees to the Government.
The planting of the seeds is carried out in an intense way in the nursery built in the facilities of the ICF in the municipality of Guaimaca, Francisco Morazán. The companies Lufussa and Lacthosa have fulfilled their commitment to provide the seeds, the filling of the bags with the appropriate compost, the planting of the seeds and the necessary inputs for the nursery to produce at its maximum capacity.
The participation of volunteers from both institutions in the bag-filling and seed-planting activities will take place soon, which is also part of the contribution of the private sector.
For its part, ICF is providing the necessary technical assistance throughout this plantation process, and will then move the trees to the correct place to be transplanted.
This nursery that drives the ICF through private enterprise is specifically aimed to restore affected areas in the municipalities of Talanga, the town of San Francisco, El Porvenir, Cantarranas and Orica. They are about 13 hectares, with special emphasis on the protected areas of Misoco, Chile and some water-supplying microwatersheds for these municipalities.